MARALEC (NIGERIA) COMPANY LIMITED is a private limited liability company that was incorporated in April 1989. The Company’s head office is located at No. 22A Enerhen Road, Warri, with a branch office operating at 3 Daba Avenue by Eliozu Junction, Port Harcourt. The company has forged alliances with overseas technical partners for the execution of major projects requiring joint venture participation.
MISSION: It is our responsibility to continue to competently integrate best practice intellectual capital while continuing to continually customize principle-centered information for 100% customer satisfaction.
Maralec Nigeria Company Ltd. have gathered a group of qualified and very experienced service engineers and technicians; second to none in the Oil and Process Industries.
VISION: to work cooperatively to completely create scalable resources while continuing to efficiently revolutionize cutting-edge methods to set us apart from the competition.
Our engineers and technicians, who are familiar with all aspects of industrial process instrumentation, reliably resolve the problems that keep production installation idle for any period of time.
The Personnel
Experienced & Professional
group of qualified and very experienced service engineers and technicians.
The Equipment
High Standard
our equipment is all referenced to our laboratory standard instruments .
Our Services
Professionally Oriented
our belief in services, is that it can only be as good as the personnel involved.
Our Result
Satisfactory & Professional
be the next to testify.